Wondering about why it’s important to do a dynamic warm-up, take a rest day, be thoughtful about your hydration and nutrition, or so many other aspects of your athletic career - check out our posts that cover these topics and more.

athlete, fitness, menopause Karen Souther Moser athlete, fitness, menopause Karen Souther Moser

Jumping Does a Body Good

Do you know what plyometrics is - do you know the importance of jump training and the benefits it has for female master athletes. If you have been hearing about plyometrics and wanting to know more - this article by Selene Yeager covers where you can start and why you should.

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athlete, LEA, Fuel, energy requirements Karen Souther Moser athlete, LEA, Fuel, energy requirements Karen Souther Moser

Female Athletes - DON'T be afraid to eat, especially carbs!

LEA - low energy availability - do you know what this means? It means you are not giving your body the fuel (energy) it needs to do a workout to your best ability or perform the next day workouts.

Well…new research would beg to differ (as would I!). Pound for pound, active women have the same energy requirements as men, and active women overwhelmingly miss that mark—especially when it comes to carbohydrate intake.

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