Wondering about why it’s important to do a dynamic warm-up, take a rest day, be thoughtful about your hydration and nutrition, or so many other aspects of your athletic career - check out our posts that cover these topics and more.
How to Dress on a Bike Ride
What to wear in cold, temperate, or warm weather…..while cycling
Stiff Calf can lead to stiff Ankles
Of course the study was done on men, but it is still an interesting read. But if doing some calf exercises can help prevent some ankle injuries or improve your efficiency when running then it’s worth exploring.
Jumping Does a Body Good
Do you know what plyometrics is - do you know the importance of jump training and the benefits it has for female master athletes. If you have been hearing about plyometrics and wanting to know more - this article by Selene Yeager covers where you can start and why you should.
Carbs! Carbs! Carbs! Yes, we need them
Carbs are the preferred fuel source for our brain; they’re necessary to fuel high intensity efforts, and they improve exercise performance for any efforts lasting longer than 45 minutes.
Don't Assume Your Coach Knows it All
So many coaches use their experience as an athlete to promote themselves as a coach, but coaching goes well beyond personal experience. This short article hits home about the importance of coaches going beyond personal experience. A huge reason I love coaching is because I love researching and learning and then passing that knowledge onto my athletes.
Female Athletes - DON'T be afraid to eat, especially carbs!
LEA - low energy availability - do you know what this means? It means you are not giving your body the fuel (energy) it needs to do a workout to your best ability or perform the next day workouts.
Well…new research would beg to differ (as would I!). Pound for pound, active women have the same energy requirements as men, and active women overwhelmingly miss that mark—especially when it comes to carbohydrate intake.
Adding mindfulness to your training is a simple and effective way to support your fitness goals by improving the quality of your workouts and helping you make the most of every moment, whether you’re sweating it out or spending time with friends, family, and work.
5 Things Triathletes Can Learn From Swimmers
Most triathletes use swim as a way to get to the bike, but you can actually take minutes off your race time, come out of the water fresher and ready to ride your bike if you took some time to develop your swim.
Ready. Set. Build Some Muscles.
Research shows sprint interval training can build lean muscle mass in masters.
By Selene Yeager
By now you know the mantras for making muscle and staying strong as a menopausal woman: Lift heavy sh*t and do HIIT (high intensity interval training).
5 Reasons not to train Like A Pro
Do you ever come across those articles that give out advice for training and a workout a pro does. Of course we all want to do them, but is it a good idea - probably not.